Opinion: NO!! NO!! NO!! - Raekwon Reportedly Working With Justin Bieber And Kanye West

Good Lord!!! No!! It has been reported by both Billboard and Rolling Stone that the Wu-Tang's own, Raekwon is set to work on a Justin Bieber remix with Kanye West. Words cannot express how wrong this is! I'd expect this out of Kanye. He's proven over the years that he'll do just about anything for fame and attention, but Raekwon???!! Come on, man! He apparently hasn't learned that there are cool collaborations and not so cool collaborations. Working with a pre-pubescent teen-star isn't the way to win fans and maintain your gritty hip-hop cred!! Bieber was a baby when Raekwon released "Only Built 4 Cuban Linx," and somehow I doubt he's logged long hours blasting the Wu. Raekwon's dark, cerebral rhymes about street life hardly make the ideal match to Bieber's vacant odes to lonely girls at the mall. The idea is embarrassing. I hope it doesn't happen!!! What is next? Is Ghostface going to record with Ke$ha? Is U-God going to start hanging with the Jonas Brothers? Is Method Man going to rap alongside Miley Cyrus? Raekwon, in my humble opinion you are making a huge mistake!! It's bad enough you are working with Kanye, but you are above working with Justin Bieber! It's too damn absurd!! Raekwon, you are now officially much less cool!! Part of me just died a little inside!
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