Opinion: Erykah Badu Gets $500 Fine, Six Months Probation, But What Was The Lesson Learned?

So, after the fallout from her infamous “Window Seat” video, Erykah Badu has paid a $500 fine and is serving six months probation. In case you don’t remember, in the video, Badu walked through the Dallas site of JFK’s assassination, shedding her clothing with each and every step. At the end, there’s a gunshot and she falls to the ground. Her overall message was muddled, but I think in some roundabout way she was trying to say that those who are different are often isolated and ostracized by those who do not understand them. Of course, in a world that often doesn’t understand the various nuanced elements around artistic intent, all that most of the public really got from the video was, “Hey, Erykah Badu is walking naked in front of a crowd of unsuspecting citizens!” Yes, there is a time and a place for nudity, but this ruling speaks volumes about our cultural fear of the human body. Try as we might to prove otherwise, we are still quite Puritanical in our ways.
Consider this. Badu was inspired by indie-rock duo, Matt & Kim’s video for their song, “Lessons Learned.” In that video, the duo walks through a cold Times Square, shedding layer after layer. Mind you, I don’t remember hearing anything about them getting into any trouble. Several factors could be at play here. Firstly, Matt & Kim aren’t as famous as Badu. Thus, they do not draw as much attention. Secondly, maybe New Yorkers are more easy-going than the people in Dallas. Thirdly, Times Square is a tourist center. It isn’t hallowed ground like the site of the death of our thirty-fifth president.
This was an experiment that went horribly wrong. Badu’s choices were questionable, no doubt, particularly her choice of location. It all resulted in a waste. The hype around the video overshadowed her album, “New Amerykah Part Two: Return Of The Ankh,” which incidentally is the most enjoyable album she’s put out since her funky high point, “Mama’s Gun.” In the end she’s paid with much more than her money and her time.
It all could have easily been avoided with somewhat the same artistic result. In the video, everything was pixilated. Had she known then what she knows now, one wonders if Erykah Badu would’ve worn a bodystocking, instead. In hindsight, making that one compromise probably could have saved her from a whole lot of anguish and trouble. One thing is for sure. Dallas just was not ready to see her in all her glory that day.
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